Alignment would kinda be pointless,I rebuild all my own front suspension have someone follow me the 3 miles to the alignment shop,and pay$50.
on tie rod end and suck i measure and try to put in new about same length as new,and if you pull a arms for the bushings,i always make sure to put thye same number/same shims back in,when i take it in,they said it didnt need much it was close,but maybe there just saying that,to make me feel good,i always clean and paint everything before it goes back together.this place has good guys they press in parts for free for me just say if you dont need it right away,well do it when were slow.No problem,Im never in a hurry to save a few bucks,everyone else wants $10 a bushing,and im not gonna scew with it when they can have old ones out,new ones in in 10 minutes effortlessly.