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Old 04-11-2005, 10:29 PM   #1
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Posts: 10
some trans. and transfer questions

well i started the 4 speed swap today. i was tryin to do 3rd gear doughnuts in the snow over at the church with the 14bolt in the bed and it didnt quite work. so i gotta steal on some kinda 4 speed and 205 out of a later 70's k 30 and was wondering where i could find poly. trans. and transfer mounts. nayone have any suggestions on what clutch to go with. and what about #'s so i can try to identify the trans. damn i thought honda's were easy to work on, jeez this was a cake walk compared one of those well except of course for the teeny weight difference. one more thing, does anyone out there know where i can get ujoints to mate the 1/2 ton driveshafts to the 1 ton transfer? thanks
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