hehe, sorry to scare you. When I tore my front end apart to replace the ball joints and put new spindles on I found out that my truck had hit something rather massive. The front bumper is a lil dented, the lower arm was bent bad, and there was a big impact point on a trailing arm (all of this are in line and looked like the guy hit a transmission just sitting in the middle of the road) I ordered some control arms, waited 3 months to get them and still havent got them yet and my truck is still on jack stands (read about it in the review forum about classic performace products). The thing is, I can't stand putting my truck back together in a way that won't make it perfect. I could get away ith putting that arms on untill I get new ones in, but it's still really dangerous and I wouldn't feel safe now that I know about it.
Without problems, it's not that hard of a job, but it would be rather hard to do in a apartments parking lot. Find someones garage that will let you use it for a day or two and you'll have it done in a weekend. If I was near you I'd tell you to bring er over and we'ed gett'er done