The Basics
In general, braking systems work best when equal pressure is applied to both sides. If you have a vehicle that pulls to 1 side during braking, it generally means that either THAT side is working and the other side is not, or that THAT side is working incorrectly (too much or not releasing as it should) and the other side is OK. If any of you have bulldozers, you know this is how they STEER. Pull the right brake, and the machine steers right. Most of the time it will be a front brake issue to cause pulling. A grabbing rear brake (and front obviously) will skid in gravel to let you know. Most common causes of brake related pulling are: uneven drum adjustment (f or r), a caliper sticking in the out position or an internally collapsed brake hose (same thing happens to your straw when your milkshake is too thick) May sound stupid, but true. If you cut a brake hose in a cross-section, you will see the 2 layers, which will seperate with age. Take my advice on this one, spend the money when it comes to brakes, that dress-up stuff can wait another week. Take care, Hot Rod