Thread: WTB 67 cab...
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Old 05-25-2005, 12:21 PM   #22
Working on a Nova.
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I have a 69 GMC cab I could look at trading since I want a headliner. The AC would be nice too. I also might be getting a second front grille from a 67/68 soon. I was going to keep it as a spare but maybe we can talk since we are close to each other. The 69 cab is the one I was planning on using on my project but if your cabs are in simular condition we may be able to work something out. Mine has light rust, will need a little patch work for that and then it has some dents but otherwise is pretty solid. The cab has the title I plan on using so we will need to do a vin swap or title swap. Let me know what you think.
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