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Old 06-16-2005, 03:02 PM   #5
John Fabris
TOTY 2006
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Sure, do you want me to install it too???

Seriously, there is a lot more to this then it seems.
Glovebox door needs a lot work to make this happen.
Stuff like the latch button hole needs to be welded up,
what type of gauges to use, where to put the gauges (like stock or custom placement), how to attach the gauges, how to cut the holes, how to make this attach to dash (visible screws, or hidden screws), and I would even consider removing the back metal layer of the door, so you don't have two layers to deal with.

I am willing to do all of this, but it would be $200-$300 to make it work, providing that you send me the gauges that you want.

I am not committing to anything as I want to finish my truck, and I will be on vacation over the next three weeks....

Anyone else wants to try this, please jump in!!
John Fabris
67 C10 SWB
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