Originally Posted by shilo
I got a 208 (aluminum, chain driven) in my chevy and its taken a beating with no poblems. However ive seen them break, usually from beign bottomed out by the front drive line or being high centered. Ive also seen 203 break chains and 205 strip gears. I guess its just how hard you like to 'wheel. The t-case in my '03 dodge has held up to four wheel drive lauches at the drag strip with over 750 ft lbs at the wheels. high 15's. with 35 inch tires. its chain driven and aluminum. anything can and will break when you start to play with the big boys.
live by this: "If you want to play, You got to pay"
some new vehicles have carbon fiber drive shafts too, same thing helicopter rotor blades are made of, my 1968 GMC 3/4 ton 4x4 Burb was equipped with a noisy rockwell t-case,( T221?) a tried and true off road veteran that has lugged around my 6200 pound beast for nearly 40 years guess we'll see how many 208's are around after 40 years!
The MASTER has spoken