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Old 07-31-2005, 11:14 AM   #1
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Need some Gauge wiring help(stock)

How do I wire the following stock guages. I removed PO S&W gauges and am installing a stock setup

1) Amp Guage - do I wire to the fuse box some how?

2) Fuel Gauge - I do have a wire at the fuel sender, but nothing was connected at the dash on old gauge, now I don't know what to connect, ground etc.

3) Temp - I think I have to buy a new temp send and wire up, the old S&W guage had a sender that was part of gauge, so I can not resuse.

I've got the other gauges covered, If you have a Pic that would be great but also hard to do

69 K5 CST stock- 350, 4speed

77 K5 - 383, auto, 6" lift, D60 front, 14b rear, 39" tsl's,
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