Tommy. Its hard to say. I have a small pile of 3 and 4 groove cast iron pulleys, they look like they are for small block but i am not 100% sure. Most of my stuff is from these trucks, but some might be 6cyl. You never know what GM may have done.
67 step. I believe all 2 row water pump pulleys were for AC or A.I.R. I have a few different styles and small and large diameters.
Pulleys I have
Basically what I have is 1 row inner crank pulleys (that run alternator no AC)
crank pulleys 2 row alternator and AC (3 different diameters) I have a few power steering pulleys left. 3 different depths for the different ps pumps, many water pump pulleys, 1 row and 2 row for AC or a.i.r. few different styles and small and large diameter, I have 1 sbc deep groove crank pulley w/AC left, 1 bbc 2 row crank pulleys, several cast iron 2 and 3 row crank (unknown application) some look like small block. some have large center hole and fit in big block balancer. I have chevy truck 2 row cast iron left (for ac and ps)