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Old 08-26-2005, 12:00 PM   #26
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I run a 6 in lift on my blazer with 3 body and I have had 38 on it I think I could have used 40 but never did. My new burb convertion Im going to use a 6in spring lift from a 73 up truck build my own hangers this should give me more lift then the 6in for ower trucks. In the rear Im going to use 2in springs and hangers from a 3500 the frames on the newer trucks ar taller and you and drop the hangers down a little to lift the back. just make sure if you do it this way that make a gussit for the hangers. Im also going to move the fron axle forward an in mabe 2 and the rear back an in or 2. hoping to have the new doner pannel or burb soon so I can get started over the winter.
68 2500 4x4 GMC Burb
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