You'll also need to remove the lower shock bolt, sway bar mounts(at the control arm) and I usually unbolt the caliper and swing it up out of the way.
Put the front end on jackstands, place the jack just behind the lower ball joint/infront of the spring seat. Loosen the lower ball joint nut 3 turns. Turn the spindle so you have a nice clean shot to hit the spindle. Use a semi large hammer/sledge and "Pop" the side of the spindle where the ball joint goes through, once or twice. I prefer not to use seperators because they destroy the ball joint boot. The ball joint should seperate at this point. Unbolt the sway bar from the control arm then double check your jack/jackstands!!!! If you feel everything is ok, remove the nut completly from the lower ball joint, then remove the lower shock bolt. Slowly let the jack down (dont stand infront of the jack)
One great thing about this control arm setup is you can let the arm down all the way, replace the spring and jack it back up with minimal hazard. There's no need to compress the spring, the arm will swing low enough to let the spring actually fall out.
Good luck and be careful!!!!!
Last edited by Zkast; 08-24-2002 at 11:15 AM.