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Old 08-22-2002, 10:04 PM   #11
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Had a friend named Bernie. WE were supposed to go out one saturday night chasing ladies. When I got to his house to pick him up, his mother said he was not going. I said we had it all planned~~~~. She had me come in to the house. Bernie was sitting in the living room in his bathrobe with his legs spred far apart. I asked what's up? He explained that he was changing the front coil springs in his 57 chevy when one of them went flying. It hit the ground, then the ceiling, then the gound, then in an area that football players wear a CUP. His little thingies were the size of CANTELOPEs!! BE real careful and take the precaution of chaining or tying the coils in place till the tension is off or your little thingies will be the size of CANTELOPES~~~~.
Needless to say, Bernie didn't go with me that night---or for that matter, he didn't go out for several days!!! Woos!
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