Hey now....It's a Jimmy. He, he. I have pics, tons of 'em. But I can only email them to you. Dont have a host account, and that Auto Trader 'run till sold' ad cost us some bucks. If ya'll know another way to post pics on here, let me know.
And if ya'll want pics, just give a holler. But bear in mind, each pic is .68 MB and we have almost 75 of them, so clear out your inbox. Me and Curt are on the computer pretty much all day today.
Anybody know how long it takes to activate an account once you register? I think it took me like 3 or 4 days. Curt registered early last week, but he can't post.
N2TRUX, nice pickup in your avatar.
Last edited by marianne; 09-18-2005 at 12:24 PM.