I was in the same boat. I just didn't want to put a 700r4 in my 4wd truck. I had one in my 82 vette and it was a good tranny. I wanted heavy duty components that would pull my travel trailer and go in the mud holes with no worry. I'm not knocking the 700r4 but the th400 is no doubt tougher and Much easier to set up. At todays gas prices it will pay for itself in about 3 years and the driveline is almost bullet proof. Only drawback is the GV unit shifts hard but driving technique gets around that. AT 70 mph it dropped my rpms by 1000. I think its the best of both worlds, six speeds when you are towing and back to the low gears when you are in the woods. The 27 of this month The trailer (6000 lbs) will be towed to our muzzloader camp and after camp is set up the od unit will be turned off and into the sugar sand and mudholes we go !