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Old 10-06-2005, 04:49 PM   #7
Ozark Tim
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What I know about the 72 model year of GMC interiors is this. Your truck is a Super Custom, and as another responder mentioned that is the same trim level as its counterpart Chevy Custom Deluxe. If your truck does not have the special promotional option ( Highlander ) then the cloth is a nylon type with straight lines and a pattern running between each set of lines. If it does have the Highlander package then it is a blue, black, and off white plaid pattern and is more of a cotton fabric.
The equivalent GMC interior to a Chevrolet Cheyenne Super would be a Sierra Grande. They both featured the houndstooth pattern in the cloth, and were the top of the line but not used on the Super Custom GMC or Custom Deluxe Chevy.
Your interior cloth and vinyl are available from SMS auto fabrics in Oregon. I have purchased the same exact pattern material exept in parchment color. If you would like information on them send me a pm and I will get it to you. In the meantime I will work on getting you the correct material #'s from the Detroit 1972 interior book which a friend of mine that owns a upholstry shop has.
Further more. I have an original 1972 GMC light truck brochure, and it probably has some detailed pictures in it. Again if you are interested send me a pm and I will scan and e-mail to you.
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