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Old 10-06-2005, 05:18 PM   #1
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Factory cruise on parts truck

I am going to look at a parts truck this weekend. It is complete except for motor. It is a 1970 C20 and from the few pictures I have seen it is a CST. Factory air, three fuel tanks, and the cruise control. He describes the body as being 'near perfect' and the bed had a camper in it until a year ago. I have a good idea of what the reusable pieces are worth, but have not seen many of the factory cruise set ups. For some reason I believe the 1970 cruise is different than 1971 and 1972. Does anyone know? Any idea what a complete factory cruise from a 1970 is worth? I don't want to cheat the guy, but I also don't want to overpay. He is ASKING $1500 for the truck without a motor, but I feel certain that it can be bought for less than $1000. Any help would be appreciated.
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