Options sticker
Here is the pic of my options sticker. I am just curious what it originally came with and what it looked like and if it was a good fabric (strong and easy to take care of). A pic would be nice. It currently has plain blue vinyl which looks dull. I don't mind the vinyl with scrolls and pleats, I think they look good. I may end up using non-stock bucket seats but before I do would like to see what the stock upholstery looks before I get rid of my bench. If I like the look, I may keep my bench seat.
I know what highlander looks like but I have never seen the GMC fabric pattern you guys are describing.
Tim if you have a picture of a seat with this fabric, I'd like to see it also. PM sent.
03 Tahoe
72 GMC Super Custom 2500 Custom Camper, my reliable workhorse. Dual gauged tanks, dual battery trays.