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Old 10-19-2005, 10:07 AM   #1
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Clutch linkage adjustment made - needed?

vehicle: '72 straight 6, 3 on the tree;

Issue: My clutch pedal "sits" high - to disengage, I have to lift leg high and pressure is there, all the way through depression. As soon as pedal starts to move, there is a sound similiar to a vacuum leak (it's not that) I believe there is (something dragging on the pressure plate?) that should be disengaging, but it is not doing so. The truck shifts fine through the gears but when using the clutch, there is the noise. The few minutes I had last night, I shortened the length of the rod to the tranny shifting paddle. The pedal was much "looser" with resistance coming near the end of the stroke. The noise was reduced but still there. At this new setting, as soon as the clutch was being released, it was grabbing immediately and wanted to lurch forward. The original setting of the rod was almost at the end.

Question 1 (of many I'm sure): Do I have an issue in the clutch/pressure plate area or is this a linkage adjustment and if so, is there a way to properly set it?
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