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Old 11-18-2005, 02:48 AM   #14
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Re: Center cap question

Originally Posted by chops333
newer style caps say 99 -02bowtie centers you can buy daul thread lugnuts for the plastic nut caps or you drill and tap three studs out in the back of them theyll bolt in just like the ones you have but from the backside then use chrome lugs they look really good someone posted pics of a set awhile back
I saw a set of these on a truck in Boise last week , they looked great . Owner said there take-offs he buys cheap at the local tire dealer . I also use a black decal with a gold chevy bow tie on my rally caps , buy them new from Chevrolet for $15 each , kinda spendy but they look o.k. I usually run 7 inch ralleys on the front , 8's on the back .
Thanks .
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