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Old 01-15-2006, 01:26 PM   #21
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Okay, here's the good and the bad, yes there's still some bad.

Had to spend an additional $350.00 @ the transmission shop but the guy knew what he was doing and installed a new motor within that price.

Turned out that a previous owner installed a 1/4" plate for mounting purposes in between the cases and in doing so, blocked off the oil passage to the front input bearing.
^^NOTE ON THIS^^ neither owners prior to myself had used this unit, therefore they had no way of knowing about these issues.
No harm, no fowl. I'll do business/trade with both given the chance.
Both board members both contacted me when they read the original thread.
Nuff said on that.

So is it perfect? NO.
Drive line angles are off. Getting some vibration.
The unit will be removed and reinstalled utilizing the new drive line info I've since learned about.

Does it work? Have I tried it on the interstate? YES.
It works pretty slick, once working correctly it will be a nice mod.
@ a 20% overdrive, it lowers my highway rpm's by aprox. 1K - if I can trust the factory tach. I'm in the process of installing a known to be 'accurate' after market tach.
I can now keep up with traffic without worrying about trashing my big block.
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