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Old 02-01-2006, 09:58 PM   #11
Keith Wilks
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Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Texas
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Re: 1972 C.K. 10 4x4 Power -vs- Gas Mileage

Originally Posted by 1969 C/K CST
I have a crate 350, 15x8 rallies, 31x10.50's, with stock ride height, 3sp manual, late model axles. My ratio is probably a 3.07.(not sure-something I need to look into) At 55mph spinning at 2500rpm. Mileage is aroung 13-15mpg. Not bad for a '69. My sacrifce is low end pull, meaning I'm pretty good with a clutch. I installed a heavy duty clutch to help out with take offs. I plan to swap to a granny 4sp to offset the high gearing. For now the 3sp is fine because I no longer plan to use the truck as I have in the past. I will be starting on a rebuild and making changes. My use then will be highway and light duty offroading. These truck are heavy and as stated above, a new one doesn't do much better.
Man 13- 15 m.p.g. sounds really good compared to my 6-8. I think my auto trransmission is is another one of those trade offs that demands more gasoline, but I enjoy the hands off shifting too much.
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