Re: wtb....painless...or ???
I bought the painless kit (10206) awhile back though it isn't installed yet.
I believe the only connector that isn't included is the cresent shaped one for the steering column (you need to salvage that one if you're using the original column).
The box is different in that it uses modern plastic fuses instead of the old glass ones and it has a lot more available circuits (18 IIRC).You will also need to enlarge the opening in the firewall for the box slightly,but the kit has a template for that.Every wire is labelled every 6" to tell you what it is and the kit includes a ton of crimp connectors for hook up.
It's enough to make me look forward to wiring my truck!
'72 C-10 Proud owner of a million new and used pieces that used to be and will once again be(god willing) a testament to the term "they don't build em like that anymore. 
'80 LWB 2wd beater
'67 GMC long fleet (cab donor)
'66 long step (parked till it's turn comes around)
'65 short step (parts truck that will donate it's bed and possibly frame to the '66)
'06 Grand Prix wife's car (she hardly lets me touch it)
my pics