The part number from Summit Racing: HOK-2453-1HKR
The page I found with a 30 second search (summit has a great search engine).
Cost: $329 for ceramic coated headers (less underhood heat than uncoated headers or manifolds).
On other vehicles I have found over 40 rear wheel horsepower (as measured by a dynojet chassis dyno) by switching from manifolds to headers. You will have few if any leaks if you use copper gaskets and locking type header bolts. The ceramic coating increases the life of the header by several years, but you should keep the header clean (and dry when possible).
Now with all that being said, I bought my truck with some crappy rusty headers already on it so I just went ahead and replaced them with better headers. If it had manifolds I would have (following my tendancy for overkill) ported the manifolds, had them ceramic coated, and put them back on. Headers release stopped up horsepower, while manifolds tend to be more low maintenence for the mechanically challenged or lazy.