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Old 09-29-2002, 12:19 AM   #5
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yea I spanked the was a 914...glorified VW.. and yes I plan on faster times..this was the last race of the year.. I will go with nitrous, for this motor...and build a 406 for next season..I know my 60 foot times arn't good, but I was pulling freight trains on everybody I raced...even the bike and he went 12 my truck does't look fast. I had people come up to me after and saying..what the hell you got in that you see that old yellow farm truck toast that porshe..hehehe it sure was fun
It's called "drag racing" if they called it "tic..tic..WHAM!..BANG! F*&K!!!", they'd have to keep the magazines under the counter with the other men's publications

click the clicky to join the site....

67 lwb..first hotrod in 25 years..540 best ET is 9.45 @ 141.44
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