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Old 03-26-2006, 02:35 PM   #13
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Re: Anybody keep the stock ride height?

Originally Posted by Karl Hoh
Don't know were that fad started, but sure hope it ends. In my neck of the woods I like to be able to clear dirt mounds and small animals. I laugh at the kids round here that buy all these ground effects and low pro tires when they leave town and smash parts off crossing the first gravel road they hit. Everyone has their style. Mine is ground clearance, and not skyjacked either.

"....Throughout many Mexican-American neighborhoods, called barrios, from East Los Angeles to El Paso, Texas, cruisers have been dropping Chevrolets to a sidewalk-scraping stance since the late 1930s. It was part of the "zoot suit" fashion, a trend popular among teenagers from every culture. Mexican-American zooters, cool from slicked back hair to highly polished shoes, called themselves pachucos. They cruised beautifully restored, older Chevys, decked out in their oversized zoot suits for a night on the town. Often just the back of the Chevy was temporarily lowered, using sandbags hidden in the trunk beneath strategically placed planks of wood, or permanently dropped all around, the springs shortened by cutting the top few coils or heated until they collapsed to a proper cruising height. They cruised through the streets, honoring a custom that may have been practiced since the heyday of the Aztlan Empire...."

Chapter One "The Roots of Lowriding".
Link to full article Lowrider History Book Chapter 1

Oh, mine is also stock height because I did a stock restoration.

Last edited by demi; 03-26-2006 at 02:37 PM.
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