Ok, I just spent 2 hours trying to find any information on how to install my cab mounts because the vendor I bought them from (no need to name names) decided it is not in my best interest to print out a 2¢ sheet of paper showing how they mount.
VENDORS: if you sell body and/or radiator mounts, AT LEAST have the common courtesy to either:
A) give people a sheet of paper showing how to install your body mounts. It costs you almost nothing to print out and will save your customer a buttloand of hassles (Everyone has a different kit).
B) print a website address where a person can find help on the invoice, on a sticker attached to the hardware bag or somewhere - not to mention a link to install instructions at your freakin' website on the product description page!
I know two major well-known sellers who have this issue with not giving out instructions on cab/radiator mounts and I hope all vendors will understand just how frustrating it is for your customers to receive poor instructions or even worse NO instructions. Are we supposed to be mind readers here? Are we supposed to magically know what this mess of rubber pucks is and how it fits together? Mine were so rusted up I wouldn't have been able to tell what was a thick washer and what was thin.
I regularly see threads like this one:
I got screwed by this one just now and unfortunately, my cab mount kit doesn't use the same setup of mounts as you see in the picture there. Mine has additional large washers (two thick, two thin) and ... I couldn't figure it out. I'm going to need to call the vendor tomorrow.
Sorry for the rant, but I'm pissed. I could have gotten in a good 3 hours work today but I can't even figure out how to properly install my mounts. I feel like an idiot and I don't believe it's my fault!
If I've got anything up for grabs, it'll be here: 7-hole gauge cluster for a 67-72 p/u FREE (
I can't check the forum daily. If I don't reply to you within 24 hours,
drop me a PM! I'm (hopefully) still alive and will reply faster to a PM.