Originally Posted by 70rs/ss
If you look close at your pict, you have two rights, that is why you don't have the heat riser. If it works more power! I have like 4-5 sets of these from vettes, camaros, chevelles, novas, etc and I need to get them on ebay, but these are all the 45 degree angles. I like the simplicity, but headers are the only way to go for less restriction.
Yes they do both say RH. However the exhaust kit made for these trucks bolts right up. Does anybody have one that says LH on it?
Now let me zip up my flame suit.
I disagree about your headers comment. Unless you wrap the crap out of your headers, you are actually hurting your performance compared to factory rams horns. Most headers are worth their weight in scrap iron. You pay extra, they leak, and in most cases they hurt your performance.
I'll take my non-leaking, bolt up to $200 exhaust kit, double RH factory rams horns any day.