Originally Posted by mrein3
Yes they do both say RH. However the exhaust kit made for these trucks bolts right up. Does anybody have one that says LH on it?
Now let me zip up my flame suit.
I disagree about your headers comment. Unless you wrap the crap out of your headers, you are actually hurting your performance compared to factory rams horns. Most headers are worth their weight in scrap iron. You pay extra, they leak, and in most cases they hurt your performance.
I'll take my non-leaking, bolt up to $200 exhaust kit, double RH factory rams horns any day.
I have as many LH as I do RH as they are matched sets, I don't doubt the kit mounts up as they are straight dump for both sides. I was going to comment about your reply, then I saw your rational, ($200 pinch bent LMC exhaust kit, which will restrict exhaust flow a heck of a lot more than my headers will?!) When you are ready to move up Headers (good headers ie ceramic coated) cost twice what you paid for you whole exhaust system, so I'll stop there.