Re: RANT and a plea to vendors
Ok, CPNE, I'm not going to argue with you. You've got a way of nitpicking things that people say and twisting them into the most negative crap when it's pretty clear there is a lot of positive stuff in this thread and it's raised people's awareness. Can we turn this AWAY from an attack on me and and keep it positive? Even others have had a chance to vent and it's clear that there is a desire for people to include something to explain installation with their part. Why do you feel the need to drag this around the way you are?
Look, I can't be perfect. I can't always open my part the second it comes in. I have a life, I work 60 hours a week and it's not in mechanics. My truck is a hobby and also a getaway. Most of my spare time and money goes towards my truck, so naturally, when I get around to opening that box of parts to install it, I have very limited time and want to make the most of it. I can't do that if I'm hunting all over the internet to find instructions that a vendor should have given to me, IMO.
Yes, I do keep my parts in a box - is that a crime? As long as it stays in the box, I don't lose things and I know I'm not the only one out there that does this.
If you want to attack me and my post some more because I used a "frustrated" smiley (angry, frustrated, whatever) or the words "pissed" or "screwed", why don't you drag it into PM like a civilized guy instead of airing it on the forum? If you have a problem with what I say, I don't need you popping into every thread and posting your 2¢ trying to knock me down and I don't see why you take it upon yourself or feel the need to do it every chance you get.
If I've got anything up for grabs, it'll be here: 7-hole gauge cluster for a 67-72 p/u FREE ( link)
I can't check the forum daily. If I don't reply to you within 24 hours, drop me a PM! I'm (hopefully) still alive and will reply faster to a PM.