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Old 04-05-2006, 04:19 PM   #20
Weekend Warrior
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Re: Wow I wont be buying a cobalt!

Originally Posted by Longhorn Man
While the bumper cover has been ripped off, the bumper its self was never pushed in, which is needed to 'press the button' for the air bag.

I still wouldn't buy one though personally there's better stuff on the market for the $$.

Just a note guys....there is no "button" that has to be pushed for the bags to go off.

The sensors usually need to have "enough change in velocity" for the contact ball (usually mercury) to make contact with one end of the sensor and that will deploy the bags.

The bags didn't go off on the Cobalt because it was a rollover...defin not hit while parked. The vehicle probably did not come to an abupt stop as it continued to move foward in the rollover - not changing the velocity of the vehicle enough to trigger the sensors.

The Suburban or Yukon....if you hit them doing 45-50 the bags should have gone off -
But if you were doing 45-50 and slammed on the brakes you may have slowed the velocity enough before impact to not trigger the bags...
even so I would think they should have gone off.

I'm an Insuarance appraiser by Day and Truck/HotRod Junky by weekend & night
I see a ton of cars out there that do not deploy bags when you think that they should and I see several that have deployed when they shouldn't have.
-'07 GMC Sierra K2500HD
-'66 C10 Suburban
-'68/'71 K20 Service Bed Project
-'69 Chevy C30 Mason Dump

-'33Ford P/U 396ChevyPowered

Last edited by arkracing; 04-05-2006 at 04:20 PM.
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