Thread: look familiar?
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Old 04-19-2006, 12:03 PM   #9
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Re: look familiar?

Yeah, I had two about the time I signed on, qksilver bought em both. Now, for the tragically bad news, I was coming home from the DMV with it on that trailer and it started to sway. Long story short, the trailer hitch popped off the ball (at about 70 MPH) and the trailer and Burb rolled multiple times, totalling the burb and the trailer as well as creasing the side of my 05 Yukon XL. My wife and kids and I are OK and that is all that's ALL that is important, the Burb and the trailer can be replaced (insurance). I'll post picts of the carnage when I get them developed (no digital with me). I had big plans for it, damn it, and I never even got to drive it (well, if you count 30 feet to the trailer). Oh well, we are alive!! Oh yeah, anybody have a nice 4X4 Suburban they want to donate to my unlucky (lucky to be alive, but unlucky in every other way) azz! I might even pay for one "NOT A WANT TO BUY THREAD" I am just wallowing in my misery!!

Last edited by 70rs/ss; 04-19-2006 at 12:05 PM.
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