Originally Posted by Tim240Z
I think if I go with a new vehicle, I would look at a SUV (tahoe or something). No point having 2 trucks. I plan on getting a small enclosed trailer for the karts anyways....
Thanks for tips guys. yeah, I hate to think of selling the 71.....
I'm definately in favor of you keeping your truck! If you do want to get a new vehicle, which it sounds like you do, I highly recommend the Tahoe. I'm pretty sure there's a guy on here that had a horrible experience and got his money back on a lemon law or something... but anyway, 3 guys at work drive them and love them. One is an '04, an '03, and a '99. They all have at least 60K on them and noone has said anything about problems. They ride nice and get decent fuel economy for an SUV and you can get some killer deals on left over '06's right now. If I didn't buy my Z71 I wanted a Tahoe.