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Old 05-30-2006, 03:35 PM   #19
larry may
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Smile Re: What should 5k buy me..

Originally Posted by Fastrucken
I'm pretty sure I probably will leave it alone. If the guy comes down to something like 4500 I might buy it but I doubt he'll come down to it. The reason I do like the truck is its shiny, I do understand what that means. I am looking for a driver. Ive decided on a 65-66 or 67-68 c-10 shot bed and probably wont be happy with anything else. The main reason I have concidered this truck is its a driver. I'm not looking to resore a c-10 right now hands are full with all of the sheet metal i'm replacing on my 68 mustang. I can do just about anything but would like to get into a C-10 that in decent shape.... Longhorn you seem to think along with acouple of others that I can spend my money better else and just might.

Thanks again guys keep the comments comming if ya got something to add

Had I been so Noble to ask the questions you have .Dollar wise I would be much better off . Longhornman is right. To include all the rest of the replys. Offer the seller a couple of grand less explain the issues to him. He may rethink his price! Good Luck.........
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