Thread: Rolled
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Old 06-05-2006, 11:54 PM   #25
Oil trash and damn proud of it
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Re: Rolled

that sucks majorly! hope you get your truck goin straight and fine as the day it rolled off the factory (no pun inteded) and I'm glad you're okay! Reminds me of a truck we have up here in the impound lot... it's a nice lookin 69-72 4x4 longbox, almost everything on that truck is straight and fine... except that the entire cab has been FLATTENED almost level with the top of the box, no joke. I have almost never seen a vehicle flattened that bad, especially not a 67-72, with their greatly designed crash abilities (and trust me, my brother works in a Wrecking company, with Salvage Yard attached, and I've seen lots of vehicles with all ranges of damage to them, in about every kind of accident you can imagine) But I'm glad that the truck isn't totalled, wrecked too badly, and that you aren't either! And good look with getting that truck back on the road!

1997 K1500 Z71, 14 bolt SF 3.73 posi, Bright Blue Metallic. 6" Superlift
1972 C-10, toolbox, p/s, 350/TH350/3.73 open, black int., bronze
2008 Dodge MegaCab. H&S tuned 6.7 Cummins. Fast Four Tons

Some of my pics
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