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Old 06-11-2006, 04:38 PM   #4
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Re: Terrible Service!!!

I need to chime in on this one! I know what you’re talking about! It's like some of these bone heads forget that without the business were giving them they would be out of a job. And some just have no business working in the automotive field at all. You go to the parts store and need a set of wiper blades and he asks you, what size motor, and automatic transmission? Like it really is going to make a difference if I had a V-8 or a stupid question like a V-1 And the poor quality of workmanship we get when we take our parts or rides in to a shop for repair. I took some A-arms in to have the bushing pressed out and when I them back they were so bent up I had to take a hammer and a vise to get them back into shape. I have gotten to the point now that I try and do everything I can myself and If I have to take something in, I talk to the manager first and let him know what I expect. Of course that only works if the manager isn’t just as much of a bone head himself. Now after saying all of that, thank God there's are a few good hard working, knowledgeable guy's out there that do good work and take pride in what they do.

Last edited by CAL 58 GMC; 07-05-2006 at 01:11 PM.
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