06-15-2006, 03:40 PM
Next project: 1970 K10
Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: Fort Collins, Colo 80524
Posts: 6,684
Re: 1967 power steering question
Originally Posted by ThatOneBlue67
You had to indent the frame? Ah man, screw that. Just stick a few washers in there to space the gearbox from the frame. Trust me, it's harmless and a Hell of a lot easier. Cleaner looking too if you're not a master with metal work.
Like Andy said:
Originally Posted by Longhorn Man
I would personally never get any of these spacer kits. it is not posable to get the geomitry 100% right when you move the box out.
Heat the frame rail like l1n1b1 described. That's the best way to do it.