Originally Posted by 70rs/ss
...Flows can handle anything in that there is nothing to deteriorate...
I had a 3 chaimber flowmaster on our old PSO S-10 Blazer, installed when it was still a great truck with 60,000 miles and running good. That muffler fell apart internally after 3 years. The baffles, or chaimbers or whet ever, came unmounted, and was blocking the exhaust. When neonlarry's son was here, I showed it to him (bummer he never comes on here anymore) I shook it and he heard the clunking, and you could see on the case where the chaimber walls were supposed to be, but you stick something into it and there's nothing there, onless y6ou tilt it to where that end was down, and it'd slide across.
I was pretty ticked considering it was an $80 muffler, and only lasted 3 years... and 2 1/2 of those years were in Tx. (can't blame the road salt)