What you see is bad news. The fluid is dirty and contaminated. If you pull the drums, you will probably find one of the cylinders leaking. At this point I would recommend rebuilding or replacing the master cylinder and both rear cylinders. I would assume the front reservoir is gunked too, but can't tell with fluid in it. Someone's hand is in it too

Also, get a quart of denatured alcohol and use it to flush the lines. The lines will drain themselves with the lines disconnected. After you have the cylinders clean, fill the master with the alcohol. Open the bleed valves and either wait for the alcohol to run out or pump until you get alcohol. Close the bleeders and let it sit, at least overnight. This will let the alcohol work on the gunk in the lines. Then flush.
After the system is clean, you can run fresh brake fluid through. Brake fluid contamination is a bugger to get cleaned, and is the reason why the manufacturers are recommending a flush every year. I think that's overkill, but your brakes must work properly.