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Old 07-01-2006, 08:31 AM   #19
The LuvShack Garage
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Location: Maple Grove, TN (West Side)
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Re: PS Fluid=Oops...thoughts?

Alot of what everyone else already said, but since I worked in a brake shop
for 3 years and this was 1/2 our buisness I would say do these in order

1. Go to Auto parts store and buy 3 large containers of brake fluid
2. Top off resevor and apply pressure to check for leaks or bad MC
3. Fix any leaks and or replace the MC if applicable, if disc check PV
4. Portioning Valves can get stuck causing all kinds of brake issues
5. Fill resevor to the top and put lid on flat and loose, Not tight
6. Open right side Rear* bleeder and bleed till u see new fluid
(Keep an eye on the resevor and refill if it gets low, empty = air)
7. Open left side Rear bleeder and bleed till u see new fluid
(Keep an eye on the resevor and refill if it gets low, empty = air)
8. Open right side Front bleeder and bleed till u see new fluid
(Keep an eye on the resevor and refill if it gets low, empty = air)
9. Open left side Front bleeder and bleed till u see new fluid
(Keep an eye on the resevor and refill if it gets low, empty = air)
10. Top of both resevors and put lid back on tight

*When bleeding always start at the furthest point from the MC 1st

We use 2 peeps at the shop to do this, you should be able to find
someone willing to just sit in there and pump the peddles for ya, &
the reason I said bleed till you see new fluid is this, they did a feild
study a few years back that brake fluid should be flushed every 5
years reguardless of make, model, or manufacturer, but who does?

Disclaimer - I am in no way an expert, these are just basic steps we
used to do brake bleeding, conditions in your area and of your vehicle
may differ from those I encountered during my years of experiance, if
a step was left out I am in no way liable if you crash your vehicle
Owner/Op: "TN Classic Transport Carriers"
The Toy: "Square Vette" 72 Hybrid Blazer
Toy Barn: "LuvShack" 40 x 60 x 20 Shop
Tow Piggy:"Maddy" 88 Silverado 3500
Hauler: "Feathers" 14 Aluma 8218T
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