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Old 07-27-2006, 11:08 PM   #22
too much stuff
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Location: Grand Rapids MN
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Re: Just parted a 71 gmc, few odds and ends F/S

Eric Strommer
25798 Pine Trail
Grand Rapids MN 55744
I am hoping it will cover shipping. If it is REALLY high, i may have to hit you up for a few extra $$$ I think you will be ok though.
gmc jim, See above addy...
meathead, nothing personal but i can't even ship it to ya for $2
70gmcjimmy, it will be next week before i can check for ya.
Please enclose a note with what you are getting with MO. Thanks guys, Eric
67 gmc custom lwb dakota truck. Sold...And bought back
69 swb 4x4 project (in progress)
70 c-10 lwb texas truck
70 4x4/BB/bkts/posi/tach(retired)
70 swb (wifes)
70 jimmy camper
71 K-5 factory 2wd
71 cheyenne 4x4/tach/posi/ plow rig
71 Cheyenne20 BB, buckets, tach, tilt, 4 speed
72 jimmy CST wyoming rig
72 jimmy Colorado rig
72 lifted texas 4x4 3/4 ton burb
65 fury conv. 383/auto
65 chrysler 300 "L" 413 auto
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