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Old 08-04-2006, 05:49 PM   #1
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2WD C10 to 4WD frame

After contemplating and asking around, I have had alot of "friends" and "experts" tell me I ought to look at putting my 1968 C10 stepside body on a 4WD frame. I have seen a few of these conversions and I really like the thoughts of it. I have been told several things:

* Use a Chevy or GMC 4WD frame and runnig gear from 1967 till 1972 and the body is almost a "bolt on" affair. These are really hard to come by.

*Use a newer Chevy or GMC 4WD frame and running gear and it will mean I will have to do alot of futzing around with the body mounts and such.

*Use a Jeep J10 Frame and running gear and there is also body mount issues.

I know that there is no better set of experts than on this board so.......what's the advice? I need to know the best setup with the least amount of fabrication.

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