Thread: New truck!!!
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Old 08-17-2006, 12:38 AM   #8
Oil trash and damn proud of it
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Re: New truck!!!

Originally Posted by HeavyD
Nice find! Looks pretty good from the pictures, much better then most of the unrestored trucks in my area. Is it hard to find swb trucks in N.D/S.D? How about the road salt/rust issues? Your state is close to me..might be a good thing to hunt for trucks there sometime?
kind of, to most your Q's. It'd be better to just have some fellow board members let you know what's around, than waste the gas and drive down here just to look. (now if you're coming for something, like visiting some board members, that's a different story)

As for the SWB trucks, you don't see them half as much as longboxes (old farmtrucks theory: most farmers would rather have had the longbox for the farm) but there are a few around. Like 68350, his brother's (beautiful) 70 is a shorty-stepper, as is that one, and his 68 GMC. There are a few around, you just don't see them AS often as the longboxes (and as for longbox stepsides, those you don't see very much at all around here)

1997 K1500 Z71, 14 bolt SF 3.73 posi, Bright Blue Metallic. 6" Superlift
1972 C-10, toolbox, p/s, 350/TH350/3.73 open, black int., bronze
2008 Dodge MegaCab. H&S tuned 6.7 Cummins. Fast Four Tons

Some of my pics
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