Thread: what 4 speed?
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Old 08-19-2006, 02:39 PM   #10
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Re: what 4 speed?

Originally Posted by pkj
okay you got me good i needed the laugh thanks. just proves i know nothing about what i want. so all the info i can gather on this will be a huge help. i did run a saginaw in my vega behind a dual quad 350. i found the clutch to be useless for speed shifting so i just put up with the grinding. the trans held up, but then light car with 13 inch street tires so would it work okay in truck?
thanks pkj
One big problem with most H-body cars, as in the Vega or Monza, and their cousins Buick Skyhawk and Olds Starfire was that they used a cable operated clutch system. It was prone to binding and slop if not always properly adjusted. It didn't hold up compared to a mechanical linkage setup or a Hydro clutch slave.

The Saginaw 4 speed is worthy of a look unless your heavy on the skinny pedal all the time. Even so, I know most of the stock car drivers around here run them but I suspect that it's because the are cheap & easy to find. Saggys are around $200-$250 here and they are the same size & configuration as a Stock 3 speed that came in our trucks. They have a different shifter mount bracket than the Munchie trannies.

GM trannies should be 10 coarse splines, 1 1/8 dia. [someone please tell me if I'm wrong about that] That is all 3spd, 4spd & autos. The rings in the output shaft of the 4 speeds denote the ratios are but I don't know what = what, The 4 gear will always be 1:1

Here is a link to the HURST Transmission ID chart. it's handy to print out & take with you when shopping for a tranny. It shows bolt patterns and ID markings of Autos, 3 & 4 speeds.
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