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Old 09-01-2006, 06:46 PM   #22
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Re: Gear Vendors Overdrive install

Originally Posted by dennislbrooks View Post
I ran a GV OD in my 86 toyota 4wd behind a 350 turbo and a NP205 --- newer transfer cases may have a switch that does not allow the overdrive if in 4wd ---- if you do not just hope you can lose traction on either ther front or rear if engaged while in 4wd. I traded my np205 GV adapter for one without the transfer case --about $600 for my 2wd 67 C10. I like the gear vendor but unless you run a lot of HP or heavy towing --- a 700R4 is less expensive. GV's are better than $2600 now plus you have the cost of a trans.
Well, You are absolutely right. I tow a 6100 pound travel trailer to where my son and I hunt several times a year. My Wife and I also camp a little. The 700R4 wouldn't serve me very well under these requirements. I almost put a 700R4 in anyway but I just got nervous about how strong they are. I read (as we all have) about the problems associated with the 700r4. I mean you really have to set them up properly or they won't last. I'm not saying they are a bad tranny but a TH400 and a GV OD works for my requirements and its easy to install and will last. If the tranny goes out its cheaper to rebuild. Its expensive to start with but in the long run I think my set up will work best for me.
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