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Old 09-10-2006, 04:28 PM   #3
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Re: Nascar Fans go Kasey

Stewart didn't whine one bit. Kasey is the only one I've ever seen cry after a race. I mean he was really crying. But then again most people won't remember that, as it happened his rookie year. I like Kasey, but that did take a little "getting over" for me. He won't win the champ. though, he still needs more experience. Johnson or Kenseth will prob win the chase. And I don't like either of them. I will pull for Busch, Hamlin, or Burton myself.

Yes I like Tony, no driver in the world with as much passion for racing. Liked him since he drove USAC. When I paint my truck it will be Home Depot Orange (& black) w/some small "20" logo's high on the rear 1/4 panel. Oh well, there's always next year.

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