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Old 09-10-2006, 05:25 PM   #11
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Re: Goodyear Wranglers for 50.00 at Wal-Mart.......

I almost refuse to shop at walmart for anything. Due to their business practices, as stated above. Yes, one can save a few dollars, if you don't mind an inferior product. My boss tries to get me to buy tires for my company truck there. Say's "their cheaper". I say...."Not after spending three hours there getting them put on, while I'm on the clock". I use independant tire stores exclusively. I support small business whenever I can. And go out of my way not to contribute to the Mall-ification of America.


As to the Goodyear debate. I've never had anything but good luck out of them. Had a set of factory take off's on a Burb years ago that lasted forever. Way more than 50,000 miles. And they were take off's from a new chevy truck. Maybe Chevy won't tolerate second rate parts on their vehicles? Like Ford and their Bridgestone/Firestone nightmare. Firestone is one tire I won't even carry as a spare. But that's another thread.
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