roj2323, I went and tried to retap the whole first and figured if that didn't work I would go to a different size. So I went and tryed to run a 3/8- fine thread tap thru it. The tabe felt like it was rethreading wich I thought great. Until I backed the tap out. The hole had removed the groves off the tapp! So I said fine. I went and grabbed a 3/8-16 bolt and stuck it in the hole. It was a little tight at first but with a little persuasian I got that to thread in the hole. Did the same thing in the other holes and it worked.

After going thru all this it brings the question of why did gm use fine threaded bolts? Every time I dill with fine threadded bolts that have to be lossened and tightened repeatedly they stripp out. Why didn't gm use the coarse thread so it would have a less chance of stripping. Sorry for the long reply but I just had to vent some. Thanks guys for all the help. Hope this thread helps others to. thanks. Aaron