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Old 09-13-2006, 11:45 AM   #32
benoit454's Avatar
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Re: steering arm removal

I got mine off rather easy after posting.

I took the nuts off and soaked it with wd40.

wd40 is common, most places don't carry pb blaster or anything only crc and wd40 or liquid wrench. Plus what I seen before wd40 is cheaper then pb blaster.

Anyways I tried hitting every which way with a ball peen hammer, no luck.

Finally I jacked the truck up, only under the axle enough to get the driver's side off the ground, put a jackstand right under the arm, let it down. So the weight of the truck was now on the arm itself. I then removed the driver's wheel and tires, and took my 10lb(I think) sledge and tapped on the arm, couldn't get a big swing due to the fender but after 10 whacks they were all out and loose. We hit it right where that link bolts in and right on top the jackstand just kind of jumping around, then kind of focused on the hole where the link bolts. Came right out.

I agree we were going to pull the axle out and hit it with a sledge which would have been easy since we were lifting it. Only had u bolt holding it in, and the day before nothing was holding it.

GIT R DONE!!!!!!

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