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Old 10-01-2006, 10:22 PM   #10
Join Date: Dec 1999
Location: Eastern - Manitoba Canada, Winnipeg
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Originally Posted by timcos View Post
Model number is this on my Service Parts Identification sticker


So I searched the place for some assistance.

I find this link

If I follow the model number section...the 3 in my model number does not make sense as this is supposed to be the model year.

Also..What is a "cab to axle dimension?"

Here is my sticker
The model number identifies just a few things that the vin dosent.
K = 4x4
E = 8 cyl
1 = 1/2 ton gvw
07= 42 to rear axle its a short wheel base.
34= fleetside box

I can tell its a Chev by the 07...if it was a GMC it would have been 57 instead of 07.
So your model number basically gives you the wheel base and box type that the vins typically dont.

Thats a hard find..4x4 short box 8 cyl with AC..nice start...Id like it myself.
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