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Old 10-10-2006, 01:52 AM   #25
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Re: Any thoughts on buying Edelbrock?

Running a Performer and Carter AFB on my BB, still have the Edelbrock, only difference I can see ( actually feel) is the AFB has a little more punch on acceleration. That could be just me or I did a better job of setting up the AFB. Had to replace the accelerator pump on the AFB and it looks identical to the Edelbrock. Would not hesitate to buy either one again.
Original owner '69 C20, long, fleet.

454 BB with Edelbrock stuff.

Work truck for years, 2nd restoration going on.

'69 C20
'03 Tahoe Z71
70 Hp Johnson pushing aluminum bass boat.

All things in life are uncertain, so eat dessert first.
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